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  • mike78511

230531 - WED MAY 31

Buy in: Partner 1: 400m run, Partner 2: max sprawls. Switch.


15 min. AMRAP:

100m run

4 burpee broad jumps

20 walking lunge steps

16 bench dips


12 min. AMRAP:

250m run

20 push ups

At 6 minutes, 30 hollow body rocks (30 forward and 30 backward)

Cash out: Tabata bicycle sit ups (NOT bicycle crunches-lower back must leave the ground)

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240418 - THU APR 18

Buy in: 1/2 Tabata squat, 400-meter run, 1/2 tabata squat (start second 1/2 tabata when second runner arrives) WOD A 2 min. plank hold THEN (no rest between) 8 min. AMRAP: 100m run 20 V sit-ups THEN (

240417 - WED APR 17

Buy In: Tabata Tuck Jumps WOD A 15 min. AMRAP: 10 Burpee Broad Jumps 20 Fire Hydrants (10 per leg) 20 V-ups 10 Plank Pushups 100m Run (50m out and back) At 11, 7 & 3 min. to go – everyone must complet

240416 - TUE APR 16

Standard warm up (about 4 min.) Buy In (2 min.): 1 min jumping jacks / 1 min hands up high knees WOD A (19 min. PARTNER WOD) 19 min AMRAP: 4 Hate Makers (One HM = 5 push ups + 20 mtn. climbers + 1 jum

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