"Making Atlanta stronger since 1996."

My Tribe Boot Camp Co. is the most complete, efficient, and effective bootcamp program in Atlanta. Since 1996, our dynamic approach to fitness has been helping Atlantans reach their fitness and health goals. Our bootcamp sessions are a total body workout, allowing you to get maximum benefit in a short period of time, by combining interval work with strength training and conditioning work. Our goal is to motivate you to push yourself beyond your limits!
To help you make My Tribe part of your busy schedule, we have classes in the morning and evening at two convenient Atlanta locations - Piedmont Park (Midtown) and Lang Carson Park (Reynoldstown).
Check our online schedule for class times!
Have fun pushing yourself during one of our AMRAP workouts, where you'll complete "As Many Rounds As Possible of a group of exercises in a certain amount of time. When the AMRAP is only 15 minutes long, there's no excuse to not give it your all!
There's no better motivation during a workout than being part of a team or working with a partner! Your partner might be holding a plank or doing mountain climbers while you complete a sprint, which gives you a little extra incentive to run fast!
We incorporate Tabata high intensity interval training into our bootcamps as well. You complete eight total rounds with 20 seconds of max training followed by 10 seconds of rest. This results in a fast paced workout that really gets your heart pumping!