mike78511Jan 15, 2023230116 - MON JAN 16Buy in: Tabata suitcase crunches WOD A12:00 AMRAP:12 pull ups OR renegade rows12 pike push ups250m run WOD B12:00 AMRAP:400m run10 step ups10 bench dips Cash out: 1:00 plank hold, 30sec superman hold, then 1/2 tabata Superman's
Buy in: Tabata suitcase crunches WOD A12:00 AMRAP:12 pull ups OR renegade rows12 pike push ups250m run WOD B12:00 AMRAP:400m run10 step ups10 bench dips Cash out: 1:00 plank hold, 30sec superman hold, then 1/2 tabata Superman's
240912 - THU SEP 12WARM UP (3-5:00) Standard Boot Camp warm up A) Buy in (4:00) Tabata of partner sit ups OR solo Russian twists B) CORE/CONDITIONING ...
240910 - TUE SEP 10Buy In : 100m high knees 1 min max lying leg raises WOD A 12 min AMRAP: Run 100 meters 25 pushups Run 100 meters 50 flutter...
240909 - MON SEP 9Warmup Standard boot camp warm up A) Partner Buy in (approx. 6 min.) P1: 100m shuttle sprint (50m out and back) P2: 8 fast sit-ups,...