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  • Mike

TUE JUL 27 - 210727

Warmup Standard boot camp warm up

A) Buy in

2-3x (6 min. cap)

100m run

30 side v-ups (15 per side)

30 jumping jacks


AMRAP in 15:00

400m run

50 mountain climbers (per side)

25 star jumps

25 squats



:30 – opposite hand to toe touch (left leg)

:30 – opposite hand to toe touch (right leg)

1:00 – plank hold


6 min. AMRAP:

10 lunge switches

20 plank toe touches

100m run

E) Cash out

Tabata crunch ankle touches

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240420 - SAT APR 20

Warmup Standard Boot Camp warm up A) Buy in Run to Oak Hill B) 10 min. AMRAP 30 bicycle crunches Run the hill Run down 10 reverse lunge steps C) 10 min. AMRAP Quick side shuffle up the hill (stay low)

240418 - THU APR 18

Buy in: 1/2 Tabata squat, 400-meter run, 1/2 tabata squat (start second 1/2 tabata when second runner arrives) WOD A 2 min. plank hold THEN (no rest between) 8 min. AMRAP: 100m run 20 V sit-ups THEN (

240417 - WED APR 17

Buy In: Tabata Tuck Jumps WOD A 15 min. AMRAP: 10 Burpee Broad Jumps 20 Fire Hydrants (10 per leg) 20 V-ups 10 Plank Pushups 100m Run (50m out and back) At 11, 7 & 3 min. to go – everyone must complet

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