Buy in: 400m run
WOD A 4 rounds of: 20 sec max pike pushups 10 sec plank hold 20 sec max alternating jumping lunges 10 sec lunge hold then Run 250m, rest exactly 2 min, then proceed to WOD B
WOD B 4 rounds of: 20 sec max v-situps 10 sec hollow body hold 20 sec max supermans 10 sec superman hold then Run 250m, rest exactly 2 min, then proceed to WOD C
WOD C 4 rounds of: 20 sec max 50m shuttle sprint 10 sec jumping jacks 20 sec max squats 10 sec squat hold then Run 250m
Cash out: 5min: 10 backward lunges, 10 burpees, 10 leg lifts