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MON DEC 9 – 191209



Standard boot camp warm up

A) Buy in 400m run

B) STRENGTH (part 1) EMOM for 5 minutes: 8-20 rail rows If not enough room for everyone, have half the class do part 2 at the same time, then switch

C) STRENGTH (part 2) EMOM for 5 minutes: 8-20 push ups

D) CONDITIONING Death by 6-8 bench dips and high knees Bench dip reps stay constant @ 6-8; high knees begin at 30 total reps and increase by 2 reps every minute until failure. 15 min. cap. If failure with more than 3 min. remaining, run 400m. Otherwise, rest.

E) ACCESSORY: ABS 3x :30 crunch ankle touch :30 side v-ups left side :30 side v-ups right side

F) Cash out One minute plank hold

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My Tribe Boot Camp Co.

Outdoor Group Fitness & Personal Training  •  (404) 926-6295

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