MON DEC 2 – 191202MikeDec 2, 2019Buy in: Tabata star jumpsWOD A 10 min. AMRAP: 10 push ups 10 Renegade rows 10 burpeesWOD B 12 min. AMRAP: 200m run 10 rail pull ups 20 sec. cumulative hold at top of pull up 10 pike push upsCash out: Tabata hollow body rocks
Buy in: Tabata star jumpsWOD A 10 min. AMRAP: 10 push ups 10 Renegade rows 10 burpeesWOD B 12 min. AMRAP: 200m run 10 rail pull ups 20 sec. cumulative hold at top of pull up 10 pike push upsCash out: Tabata hollow body rocks
250212 - WED FEB 12Buy in: Run 400m WOD A 10 min. AMRAP: Run 100m 10 box jumps (mod: step ups) 10 wall push ups WOD B 12 min. AMRAP: 40 mountain climbers...
250211 - TUE FEB 11Buy in: 400m run WOD A 4 rounds of: 20 sec max pike pushups 10 sec plank hold 20 sec max alternating jumping lunges 10 sec lunge hold...
250207 - FRI FEB 7Buy in: Partner 1: 400m run Partner 2: max sprawls. Switch. WOD A 15 min. AMRAP: 100m run 4 burpee broad jumps 20 walking lunge steps 16...