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  • mike78511

240411 - THU APR 11

Warmup Standard boot camp warm up A) Buy in 1/2 Tabata v-sit ups 1/2 Tabata hollow body rocks B) CONDITIONING 12 min. Partner AMRAP: P1: Run 100m P2: Hollow body hold Before switching, P1 & P2: 12 partner push ups C) CONDITIONING 4 min AFAP: 10 jumping squats, 10 sprawls, 10 side plank rotations, repeat Rest 30s 4 min. AFAP: 10 candlestick get ups, 10 star jumps, 10 suitcase crunches, repeat D) Run 400m E) Cash out Trainer’s choice :30 core work segments for 3-6 min. as time allows

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240430 - TUE APR 30

Buy in: 1:00 group squat hold 20 walking lunge steps 250-meter run Squat hold until all runners return WOD A 12 min. AMRAP: 15 frog jumps 12 good mornings (put hands behind head) 9 squats

240429 - MON APR 29

Buy in: Tabata hollow body hold WOD A Tabata sit ups 400m run WOD B 6 min. AMRAP: 20 step ups 20 wall push ups 20 supermans WOD C Tabata star jumps 400m run WOD D 6 min. AMRAP: 20 leg raises 20 scisso

240425 - THU APR 25

Buy in: Partner 1: 100m sprint (50m out, 50m back) Partner 2: max suitcase crunches. Go until ea. partner has run 3 times. If early, cheer on other teams WOD A Tabata partner leg raise throw (switch p

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