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TUE JAN 30 - Rotation station


Buy in: 2 min. walking lunges


Start at any station, complete 2 rounds at the station before rotating. (everyone is on the same clock). Allow 20s to rotate between stations. Once all 3 stations are completed, start over for a second rotation through all three.


2 rounds of:

45s burpees

15s rest

45s bench dips

15s rest


2 rounds of:

45s rail pull-ups

15s rest

45s hollow body hold

15s rest


2 rounds of:

45s pike push ups

15s rest

45s ground thrusts

15s rest

After completing all 3 stations, rotate a second time through all.

Cash out: Tabata v-sit ups

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My Tribe Boot Camp Co.

Outdoor Group Fitness & Personal Training  •  (404) 926-6295

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