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THU APR 26 - 180426


Buy in: 100m shuttle (50m out/50m back) partner relay - tag off between run and crunch ankle touches until each has done both twice

WOD A 8 min. AMRAP: 10 side lunge steps (5 ea. direction) 20 scissor kicks 30 flutter kicks (30 per leg)

WOD B 400m run Tabata plank toe touches (start these with first runner back, other runners jump in as they return)

WOD C 10 min. AMRAP: 20 hollow body rocks 50m shuttle bear crawl (25m out/25m back) 10 v-sit ups

Cash out: Tabata supermans

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My Tribe Boot Camp Co.

Outdoor Group Fitness & Personal Training  •  (404) 926-6295

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